Feature GamesCom 2013

Gamescom 2013 Awards: Most Anticipated Game

The Winner – Killzone: Shadow Fall

There’s a barrage of games on our ‘Most Anticipated’ list for this year and beyond, but PlayStation 4’s launch juggernaut Killzone: Shadow Fall has trumped the competition following its Gamescom blowout. The multiplayer portion of the game finally received its time in the spotlight, showcasing a brilliant social infrastructure both suited to hardcore players and newcomers alike.

Then of course you have the meat-and-potatoes of any Killzone experience, the gripping, story-driven campaign. This aesthetically-stunning package is practically bursting at the seams with next-generation goodness, from the fantastic visual effects to the silky-smooth gameplay and blood-pumping combat. Without a doubt, Shadow Fall is looking to be the best entry in Guerrilla’s celebrated sci-fi series yet, and we’re stoked to get our hands on it come PS4’s launch. For now, nothing has captured our attention more than Shadow Fall.