When Apex Legends launched in 2019, no one saw it coming. Because developer Respawn shadow dropped it, so really no one did really know about it until it arrived.
The game was available to download and play the same day it was revealed, and it was catapulted to being one of the biggest live service games on the market for a variety of reasons, and players have been chasing that same Apex magic ever since.
Now, five years on and plenty of ups and downs later, Respawn is turning the clocks back in its latest update, bringing players back to the original Kings Canyon map and plenty of other old aspects from the game in Launch Royale, a new limited time mode made available in today’s update.
You can check out the gameplay trailer for yourself, below.
It’s not just the original map though – it’s the original grouping of Legends, their original abilities, “original everything,” as a PlayStation Blog post about the update puts it.
Lifeline has also gone through some major changes as well, or more accurately she’s changed back to more of her former self.
For Lifeline mains, it’s the change they’ve been wanting since the Legend was nerfed back in the game’s early days.
Her passive is now being able to glide briefly using D.O.C, her tactical D.O.C drone can now be assigned to follow teammates so they can heal them on-the-go, and her ultimate is now a massive shield ring that her and her teammates can take refuge in, where all consumables like shield generators and health packs work faster.
In the last two years, Apex has gone under more changes than ever, with major shifts in how the game is played happening with some of the most recent updates.
This update brings things back to how they used to be, and really taps directly into the nostalgia that those who started with the game five years ago have for how things once were.
It’ll be interesting to see how players react to getting back to 2019’s Apex Legends. Especially because it begs the question of what’s Respawn to do if this limited time Launch Royale mode is actually how players want the game to stay?
Source – [PlayStation Blog]