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Respawn Is Moving To A New Matchmaking System For Apex Legends In Hopes Of Creating “Fairer Matches”

Respawn’s popular battle royale Apex Legends will retire its current skill based matchmaking system for a new one, the studio declares, while also going into detail as to how matchmaking currently works, and what they’re doing to change things.

The blog post is written by members of the matchmaking team, who first begin by addressing that matchmaking is a hotly discussed topic within the community.

“Matchmaking is a big and complicated topic that is highly discussed in our community. We have recently made changes to matchmaking that players may have noticed, and we are here to talk about it.”

Respawn goes into a good amount of detail throughout the article, though lists the main takeaways as.

“1. Apex Legends currently makes matches using your pre-made party’s best player’s skill rating, and our system does consider your pre-made squad’s size when matching you with opponents.

2. We are working toward creating fairer matches compared to today as you play with friends of different skill levels.

3. We are in the process of retiring our old Skill Based Matchmaking (SBMM) system for a new one that more accurately groups our players based on skill, and thus lets our matchmaking algorithm make better decisions when forming groups. The end goal is to create fairer matches and experiences that are more fun for all.”

Source – [Respawn]