Crazy Taxi Golden Axe Jet Set Radio News PS5 SEGA Shinobi Streets of Rage The Game Awards 2023

Sega Announces New Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, Crazy Taxi, Golden Axe & Streets Of Rage Games Are In Development

new sega games

At this year’s The Game Awards, it clearly wasn’t enough for Sega to announce just one game. Nope, instead what they actually did was announce that no less than five(!) new games are in development, bringing us new entries in the Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, Crazy Taxi, Golden Axe and Streets of Rage franchises ‘over the next several years’.

Though clearly these games are a way off, it’s simply great news to know that we’re getting new Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, Crazy Taxi and Golden Axe games (less so Streets of Rage because Streets of Rage 4 still feels quite recent), since those games have been without a new instalment for far too long – especially in the case of Jet Set Radio, Shinobi and Crazy Taxi.

Though the trailer that was shown at The Game Awards rushed through each of the games in quick fashion, there are some notable changes coming to some of these beloved franchises. The new Streets of Rage game for example, appears to be fully 3D with a panning camera, while the new Shinobi game boasts some of the same gorgeous 2D art style that made Streets of Rage 4 such a treat. Elsewhere, Golden Axe appears to also be thoroughly imagined as roaming 3D brawler, while Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio, improbably, end up looking like the most conservative of the bunch in that they don’t look too much different from their previous instalments.

Anyway, you can catch said trailer for Sega’s new line-up of IP refreshes below: