Speaking during an interview with VGC, Goichi Suda has revealed that he’s up for making a new Shadows of the Damned game, ideally with Shinji Mikami, who collaborated on the original game with him.
Suda51 revealed that the original Shadows of the Damned did not include all the ideas he had in mind for the game, and these will not be featured in the forthcoming remaster. In fact, if they were to be added, the game would have to be effectively remake from the ground-up.
If we were to make Shadows of the Damned in the way I’d originally planned and used all the ideas I originally wanted to use for the remaster, we’d basically have to remake the entire game from the ground up. So this time it’s going to be a faithful remaster of the original game, so it’s the game fans got before, only remastered and improved.
Yeah, I really love the characters of Garcia and Johnson, and Fleming in particular. And with the remaster coming out now and the stuff we had in Travis Strikes Again… there’s nothing concrete that we have set in place or anything, but I hope that we can use this remaster as a sort of jumping-off point for fleshing out these characters more and maybe putting them to a bit more use.
It may be a sequel or a future unrelated game or something, but I want to use these characters a bit more freely. I’d definitely like to revisit them again and do something with them in the future, so the idea of a collaboration like that in the future wouldn’t be an impossibility.
Shadows of the Damned was originally released for the PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2011, and a remaster is currently in development.
[Source – VGC]