2K Games: Our games will be 60 frames per second
Apparently, the biggest outcry with sports games are apparently that they are a hideous 30 frames per second. 2K Games …
Apparently, the biggest outcry with sports games are apparently that they are a hideous 30 frames per second. 2K Games …
In the current Japanese sales charts, the PlayStation 3 is now outselling the Xbox 360 by a margin of nearly …
The new HD PVR accessory for the PS3, announced at Leipzig, looks ready to arrive to retailers in the beginning …
During an interview with David Reeves, Gameindustry.biz heard some new information and a possible revelation from the European Sony Executive. …
Sony has not dismissed the possibility of introducing a hard drive unit for PlayStation Portable, according to Sony Computer Entertainment …
Rockstar Games caught a huge break today when the ESRB re-rated Manhunt 2 as Mature rather than the previous "Adult …
NPD hardware figures for the month of July reveal that sales of Sony’s PlayStation 3 console have failed to surpass …
The unthinkable has happened for Europe. After revealing that Warhawk would be available on the European PlayStation Network simultaneously with …
Sony always mentions, at any chance they are given, that they are aiming to break the barriers and push forward …
We all know what 3D graphics are – length, width & depth, but how many know what 4D graphics are? …