
Echochrome is reasonably priced

We’re fans of puzzle games, especially when they’re reasonably priced. Luckily for us, echochrome will cost a mere $10 USD on both the PSN and PSP in the US.

We wholeheartedly recommend you pick up both versions. Why? First of all, the game’s M.C. Escher inspired puzzles delighted us when we previewed the game last month. However, that may not be a good enough reason to play the same game on both platforms. This is: not only will the PSP version have completely different stages than the PSN version, but it will also feature a level editor. Your favorite creations are then able to be shared with friends via Ad Hoc.

While the PSN version of Echochrome won’t support remote play, you can get the full echochrome experience across both platforms for a pittance when the titles are released in early May. Prepare to fall up.
