
Hideo Kojima’s top 15 films that inspired Metal Gear Solid 4

Metal Gear Solid mastermind Hideo Kojima has unveiled his top 15 movies that helped inspire the team at Kojima Productions in developing the critically acclaimed fourth instalment in the stealth-action franchise.

Seen below, the list draws from a number of popular films spanning over 40 years, including Goldfinger, Dawn of the Dead, Predator and Black Hawk Down. Conspicuous by its absence, however, is the 1980s classic Escape From New York staring Kurt Russell as Snake Plisken.

-The Guns of Navarone
-The Great Escape
-2001: A Space Odyssey
-Planet of the Apes (original work)
-The Deer Hunter
-Dawn of the Dead
-Full Metal Jacket
-Die Hard
-Black Hawk Down
-Children of Men
-Bourne Series
-007 Casino Royale

Kojima-san was the receiver of the lifetime achievement award at the MTV Game Awards 2008, where he declared, ‘I have to say, even though I received this award, let me state that I will not retire. I will continue to create games as long as I live’.
