
Medal of Honor Warfighter vs. Black Ops 2: Who had the better debut trailer?

Last year, EA and Activision went toe-to-toe with Battlefield 3 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 respectively. Not only were both games critically-acclaimed, they also met with commercial success as well.

This year, however, EA hasn’t matched their next Battlefield game – which we’re uncertain will even hit this year – against Activision’s recently-announced Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. Instead, stepping up to plate as EA’s prime first-person shooter for 2012 is Medal of Honor: Warfighter.

While a direct sequel to Black Ops wasn’t exactly a surprise, the game’s futuristic setting, on the other hand, was. The spotlight is on Black Ops, but more prominently, on Treyarch to deliver this year’s biggest shooter. But where does that leave Medal of Honor?

On the flip side, Medal of Honor is using the newest version of the Frostbite 2.0 engine — arguably the most stunning graphical engine we’ve seen used for a military shooter.

We’ve got nothing else to go on but trailers at this point, so why not do just that? Let’s compare and contrast; choose your favorite of the two, and let us know which one you chose in the comments section below.

Medal of Honor Warfighter debut trailer


Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 debut trailer