
The Evolution of MotorStorm

Glancing to your left will leave you in a state of euphoria as you gaze upon the lush forest, expansive ocean, and sweeping sunset. While this may sound like heaven on earth, on your right a muddy reality is being slung into your face, engines are roaring, and the nearest driver is pointing towards you in arrogance. Welcome to the Pacific Rift, where MotorStorm challengers come to work and play.

MotorStorm Pacific Rift just hit retail shelves with a bang, and rightfully so. For those of you on the fence, however, we’ve included a list of this title’s coolest aspects as well as several screenshots comparing the original title to Pacific Rift.

– Pacific Rift offers gamers the opportunity to finally play split-screen multiplayer with their friends. Unlike the first installment, which received a lot of complaints due to the lack of this game mode, Pacific Rift gives you and three of your buddies the chance to find out who is truly numero uno.

– While MotorStorm gave users eight tracks to race on, Pacific Rift is doubling the courses and has shipped with an impressive array of 16 tracks. If eight was enough to get that adrenaline pumping and blood flowing, just imagine what type of excitement four earth, four air, four water and four fire tracks will bring.

– Not only does Pacific Rift bring back the original seven vehicle classes, but it also introduces gamers to the massive monster truck. Don’t kid yourself, you know that you want to dominate the other vehicles on the road to work each morning — here’s your chance to live out that fantasy.

– The original MotorStorm only gave you dusty, dirty roads to race on. Pacific Rift expands on the idea of one or two terrains to bring you at least five. These locales include volcanic mountain sides, beaches, jungles, caves, and a sugar factory.

– Online gamers can blaze a new trail in the 16-player online races. That’s right, 16 players per race. This is sure to result in a ton of damaged vehicles, broken bones, and spectacular crashes.

Make sure you to fill up on energy drinks when you start playing, because it’s going to be a bumpy ride.



We’re not even going to tell you which is which, because the difference is that clear!






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