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A Lucid Games Developer’s LinkedIn Page Further Points To Twisted Metal In Development At The Studio

Back in September, after we’d had a few strong rumours about a new Twisted Metal game, a new report came out with anonymous sources confirming it is in development, with Lucid Games.

Since then, an eagle eyed Twitter user spotted that Lucid Games developer Drew Willaims describes their current job at Lucid, saying:

“Technical Games Designer on an unannounced first-party flagship AAA IP for the PlayStation 5.”

Now it should be clear that this isn’t a confirmation of Twisted Metal. What that language does however, is narrow down what Lucid could be working on, making Twisted Metal feel more and more like the obvious candidate.

The team behind Destruction AllStars! may not have been many PlayStation fans first choice for a new Twisted Metal game, but Sony clearly sees something in the team and this project to charge them with bringing back such an important PlayStation franchise.

Hopefully sometime in the new year we’ll get a proper confirmation as to whether or not Twisted Metal is what Lucid Games is working on.

Source – [Twitter]