Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 just went through its open-beta weekends, one exclusively for those with early access codes and a second for the rest of the public.
The beta closed just two days prior to time of writing, and Activision is celebrating the beta as the “biggest Call Of Duty beta ever.”
Announced with a post on Twitter, Activision boasted that this beta ranks #1 in:
- Total players
- Hours played
- Playtime per player
- Most matches played
Though it continued an interesting trend that Activision has developed in recent years. Each beta is not only bigger than the last in some way shape or form, but each time Activision doesn’t provide any numbers to back up its claim.
Of course there are likely hundreds of thousands, even millions of players who might check the beta out, especially once the early access period has ended and anyone can download it.
But that makes it even more curious as to why we never get any numbers on the subject. Modern Warfare 3 was said to have set new records in engagement, what those records are though, we’ll probably never know.
Modern Warfare 2 was the “biggest beta in Call of Duty history” for its time, surpassing the previous biggest beta Modern Warfare. Cold War was the “most downloaded” beta in its day, and we don’t have actual numbers for any of it.
It’s possible that numbers are never shared because we’ve all seen that the Call of Duty franchise can have good and bad years. The unfortunate thing for Activision is that hiding the numbers does nothing to stop people from recognizing when the series does have a bad year.
At the very least it would be worthwhile information, to see how the franchise stacks up each year against the new shooters that keep trying to enter the FPS genre each year.
Player count numbers only really matter to multiplayer games, so it’s quite odd really that we’re the kind of concrete information that would be useful for tracking arguably the biggest FPS and one of the biggest multiplayer games in the world.
If you want to read more on the beta, you can check out our impressions of it here, where we said that Black Ops 6 “is a blast to play and has recreated the feeling that people enjoy when it comes to Call of Duty.”
Source – [Activision]