The PlayStation 4 exclusive, Bomberman-style multiplayer action game Basement Crawl launched this week, but things haven’t got off to a good start for independent developer Blooper Team with users reporting broken lobbies and server lag.
The good news is that that the developer is working hard on the issues and expect to have them resolved very soon. In an email to, Blooper’s Aron Cender wrote: “We have issues with online multiplayer now, but we’re working to fix them ASAP.”
The developer also took to the official PlayStation blog to respond to a few complaints, stating that there will be extra content available once it’s tackled the problem.
“We were suprised by them at launch since both ourselves and Sony tested the game, without getting any problems, before launch”, wrote Marketing Manager Marc Colhoun. “With that said we will iron out these wrinkles and then start to work on giving you extra content :)”
The big question we have: why are there problems after Sony had already tested and passed it?
Basement Crawl is a strategy-based title inspired by Bomberman, where players can team up with four player in local multiplayer or 8 players online. We’ll have a full review on shortly, though we may hold fire until the multiplayer patch has arrived.