
David Jaffe on Twisted Metal’s GDC absence

Twisted Metal PS3 failed to rock up at GDC last week due to developer Eat Sleep Play opting to pull the plug at the last minute, feeling the game may have been trampled on in the rush of “Megaton” announcements to emerge from the San Francisco-based shindig.

That’s according to studio head David Jaffe, who revealed that the developer had originally planned to lift the cloth on fresh info for the motor mash ’em up at the popular event.

However, the team ultimately felt that a later showing would be more appropriate in light of all the eye-popping tech demos and earth-shattering stories emanating from the conference.

Writing on his blog, Jaffe commented, "We were actually going to unveil some new stuff at last week’s GDC (and the team busted ASS to get the build looking and playing AMAZING!)… but at the last minute we decided to pull it."

"We all just felt that Twisted Metal is the kind of title that needs more attention and time than we would get by being sandwiched in between some of the MEGATON news announcements that dropped at last week’s show."

Despite this, Jaffe revealed we won’t have to wait long to have another butcher’s at the much-anticipated PS3-exclusive, confirming that “new game related info is coming very soon."

"For us, the next time we show off the game we want to really make it clear – to journalists and fans alike – that we feel we have something really fun and really special in today’s market," he explained.