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Destruction AllStars Details Future Updates, Game Getting Digital Release With Price Drop To $20


Lucid Games has detailed the upcoming Destruction AllStars updates and additional content coming to the game, including a collection of new playlists, Challenge Series events, skins, double XP weekends, and more.

Writing on the PlayStation Blog, this month saw Genesis’ Challenge Series of events as well as a double XP weekend. March will bring a lot of new content including Mayhem 8v8, which is playable in a party, as well as Stockpile 4v4. Double XP weekends will return, along with 10 new skins. Bluefang’s Challenge Series will also arrive.

April will see Carnado Solo added to the game, with more double XP weekends. A few other surprises are on the way, but those are remaining a secret for now.

Lucid Games also revealed that the game will be releasing digitally on the PlayStation Store for non-PS Plus owners at $20 on April 6, 2021. No price was given for those in the UK, but we can expect it to be somewhere between £15 and £20.

This is a huge decrease from the $70 the game was originally going to launch at during the PS5’s launch and ensures the game is more likely to succeed and sell. No details were given on a physical release.

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If you haven’t checked out the game yet, you can still download it on PS Plus until April 6 and you can read our review to see what we thought about the game.

Destruction AllStars is available now on PS5.

Source – [PlayStation Blog]