Dragon Quest III Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake News PS5 square enix

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake Developer Regrets Announcing The Game So Early

The development team behind the highly anticipated Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake have expressed regret over announcing the project too soon.

While Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake was given a release date during Nintendo Direct yesterday, the project was originally announced back in May 2021, where it was confirmed as one of five titles currently in production for the franchise.

We’ve been told that too much time has passed since we announced the start of development, but this isn’t unusual seeing as all of our titles have taken 3-4 years to develop. However, the (initial) announcement was too early compared to others (we are reflecting on this). So, thank you very much for waiting.

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Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake is scheduled for release on PS5, PC, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox Series X/S on November 14, 2024.

Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation was originally released in Japan in 1988 for the NES, and was titled Dragon Warrior III in the US. The game was later enhanced for the SNES in 1996, and saw a Game Boy Color in 2001 and mobile and Wii in 2009 and 2011, respectively.

[Source – Team Asano on X via Automaton]