Capcom Dragon's Dogma 2 Dragon's Dogma 2 Details News PS5

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Is Single-Player Only, AI Pawn System Returns

Capcom has revealed some key details on the upcoming Dragon’s Dogma 2, revealing the game will be a single-player action-RPG, so that means no Monster Hunter-style co-op.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is built on the RE Engine that has powered a number of Capcom’s major titles over the last five years or so, and will include the “latest in graphics, AI, and physics technology,” plus fresh monsters and races. Players will be able to create a character and pick from one of three vocations — Warrior, Mage, Archer.

Meanwhile, the AI pawn system makes a return from the original game, which ensures players “feel as if accompanied by other players,” while the darkness is back, plunging the world into pitch black when exploring at night, requiring the use of a lantern.

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Dragon’s Dogma 2 is in development for PS5, PC, and Xbox Series X/S and is currently without a release date.

[Source – Dragon’s Dogma Official Website]