
EU PlayStation Store updated

Today Sony updated the European PlayStation Store, and just like last week it seems to be a good update.

The follow items were added (UK prices shown):

– Super Stardust HD (PSN game) – £4.99
– Championship Sprint (PSN game) – £1.99
– Gauntlet 2 (PSN game) – £1.99
– Ninja Gaiden Sigma (Demo) – free
– Superman Returns BD (trailer) – free
– Full Metal Jacket BD (trailer) – free

As you can see, Europeans can finally download the Ninja Gaiden Sigma demo, assuming they haven’t already from the North American Store.

As a rare treat, Super Stardust HD made it to Europe only one day after the US release. Reviews suggest this is a must-have PSN title, and for that low price there’s no excuses!

Just one small let down, which is that the Europeans won’t yet be able to download the new Grand Theft Auto IV trailer. But overall it’s a great update, just like last week.