Naughty Dog has partnered with renowned Final Fantasy artist and character designer, Yoshitaka Amano, who has produced a stunning print depicting Joel and Ellie from The Last of Us using pencil and watercolours.
The Last of Us print is available exclusively through Cook and Becker, although at the time of writing the have sold out of the Deluxe and Hand-signed Deluxe editions. There’s still limited numbers of the $49 premium print and $249 art prints available, however, so get your skates on if you want one.
Throughout his career, Yoshitaka Amano has demonstrated a mastery of various artistic mediums and for his commemorative The Last of Us artwork he used both pencils and watercolors, allowing for delicacy and fluidity in the creation of this emotionally expressive scene. His work often has an otherworldly quality, and here is brings a uniquely dreamlike aesthetic to the grizzled, hard-bitten world of The Last of Us – and to the deep bond shared between Joel and Ellie as they fight to survive.
The Last of Us is celebrating is 10th anniversary this year, having originally launched for the PS3 back in June 2013. The game was remastered for the PS4 the following year, and in September 2022, Naughty Dog released a fully revamped version for the PS5 in the form of The Last of Us Part 1.
[Source – Cook and Becker]