Last year developer Grimlore Games revealed Titan Quest II, the sequel to its original isometric Diablo-inspired action RPG. The news came without a release date or gameplay, but now nearly a year later we finally have one of those two things.
Not a release date, unfortunately, but we now have a look at some gameplay finally. Grimlore showed fans some gameplay for the first time today during publisher THQ Nordic’s 2024 Showcase.
The trailer shows off plenty of combat with an emphasis on showcasing the different kinds of unique builds players can craft to tackle the mythical creatures they’ll face in whatever way they please.
You can check out the gameplay trailer for yourself, below.
The weapons and gear you choose for your build will be key to your success in Titan Quest II, but one thing emphasized by Grimlore is how you use modifiers to add different elementally-charged aspects of your build.
As mentioned earlier we still don’t have a release date for Titan Quest II, but Grimlore did confirm that it will be playable at this year’s Gamescom, so hopefully that’s an indicator that we’ll all be able to play it on our own consoles sooner than later.
Source – [THQ Nordic Showcase]