
Hiding Your Gaming Profiles On Search Results Before a Job Search

When you’re getting ready to look for a new job, polishing your resume and practicing for interviews are important steps. But there’s another crucial area to consider – your online image. Nowadays, most employers will look you up on the internet as part of the hiring process. What they find can significantly impact their decision. If your online presence isn’t as clean and professional as your resume, it might be time for some digital housekeeping. Ensuring that your online image matches the professionalism of your resume is critical. This digital first impression can be just as influential as your in-person interview.

Google Yourself

The first step in cleaning up your online image is to see what potential employers might find. Type your name into Google and go through the first few pages of results. Look out for anything that might raise eyebrows, like unprofessional social media posts or articles mentioning you in a negative context. It’s also a good idea to search for any old accounts or profiles you may have forgotten about. Discovering what information is readily available about you online allows you to take control of your narrative. This initial search acts as a mirror, reflecting the image you present to the digital world.

Tidy Up Social Media

Social media can tell employers a lot about a potential employee. To make sure it’s sending the right message:

  • Review Your Posts: Go through your posts and remove anything that could be seen as unprofessional or inappropriate. This includes photos, comments, and shares.
  • Adjust Your Privacy Settings: Make sure your privacy settings are up to date. You might want to set your profiles to private or limit what certain people can see.
  • Update Your Profile: Make sure your profile information is current and professional. This is especially important on LinkedIn, which many employers will check.

Making these adjustments can drastically change the perception potential employers might have. It’s about curating an online persona that aligns with your professional ambitions.

Deal with Negative Content

If you find negative content about yourself online, such as a bad news article or an unfavorable review, there are a few steps you can take:

  • Contact the Website: If the content is on a website you control, simply remove it. If not, you can contact the website owner and politely ask for it to be taken down.
  • Create Positive Content: One way to reduce the impact of negative content is to create positive content to push it down in search results. This could be blog posts, new social media profiles, or articles on professional sites.
  • Consider Professional Help: For content that’s particularly damaging and hard to remove, you might need the help of professionals. Companies like Guaranteed Removals specialize in helping people clean up their online presence.

Proactively managing your digital footprint can minimize the effects of unwanted content. Sometimes, professional intervention is necessary to navigate the complexities of online reputation management.

Be Proactive with Your Online Image

Cleaning up your online image isn’t just about removing the negatives. It’s also about creating a positive image that employers will be impressed by.

  • Showcase Your Skills: Use the internet to showcase your professional skills and accomplishments. This could be through a personal website, a portfolio, or blog posts related to your field.
  • Be Active on LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a powerful tool for job seekers. Make sure your profile is complete, and don’t be afraid to share your achievements, write articles, or engage with content related to your industry.

By actively crafting a positive online presence, you make it easier for potential employers to see your value. Highlighting your professional accomplishments online can set you apart from other candidates.

Regularly Monitor Your Online Presence

Once you’ve cleaned up your online image, it’s important to keep an eye on it. Set up Google Alerts for your name so you can see when new content about you is posted online. Regularly check your social media accounts and update your privacy settings as needed. Keeping your online image clean is an ongoing process.

Monitoring your online presence helps you stay ahead of any potential issues. It ensures that your digital footprint continues to reflect the professional image you wish to present.


In today’s job market, your online image can be just as important as your resume. By taking the time to clean up your digital footprint, including things like your gamer tag and forum profiles for gaming sites, you’re not only improving your chances of getting hired but also building a positive online presence that can benefit you in your career. Remember, the internet never forgets, so it’s worth investing the time and effort to ensure what it remembers about you is all good. Maintaining a clean online image is an ongoing commitment that pays dividends in establishing your professional reputation.