Electronic Arts, Bungie, and Kongerate veterans have established a brand new development studio named North Look World.
The company was founded by Alex Seropian (founder of Bungie), Jay Pecho, Patrick Moran, Kyle Marks, Aaron Marroquin, and Prashant Pati. Pecho will act as CTO of the new developer, with Marroquin serving as principle artist, Marks as creative director and Patil as art director.
The studio’s first game is described as “a wild west island featuring skill-based shootouts,” and is being developed in Unreal Engine for Fortnite.
Speaking in a press release, Serbian commented:
Developing in UEFN opens a whole new world of opportunities, and we are in uncharted territory. Through experimentation, we will see what the players like and involve them in decisions. We are jumping into it with a ‘the virtual sky is the limit’ mentality. As we develop creative ideas, we will learn how these platforms engage, entertain and boost social interactions in order to iterate accordingly.
The company’s Discord can be accessed here and is encouraging users to join up, as they can provide an active role in regards to providing input on future Look North World titles.