Amazon Jennifer Hale Mass Effect Mass Effect TV Series News

Mass Effect TV Show Should Involve The Original Mass Effect Cast, Says FemShep Voice Actress Jennifer Hale

Jennifer Hale, the voice actress who portrayed the female Commander Shepard in the Mass Effect trilogy, has said she believes the game’s cast should be involved in Amazon’s upcoming Mass Effect TV series.

Speaking with Eurogamer, Hale made it clear that she would be totally up for a part in the Mass Effect TV series, although right now no casting details have been confirmed.

You will always get a yes vote from me on Shepard coming back in any form. That was such a gift, and it’s a gift I will always be extremely joyful to receive. I never suppose to tell creators what to do. The only thing I must say about that TV series is I want to play! Any capacity, I will be there with bells on!

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I think they’d be really smart to pull as much of the original cast into the show in cameos and Easter eggs and recurring and regular [roles] as possible. I think that would be an absolutely genius move. The voice acting community are some of the most brilliant performers I’ve ever met… they’re the most gifted, hard working, adept, skilled people I’ve ever met in my life in the acting field. So I’m ready for the smart production company that stops overlooking that gold mine. I fully volunteer to be on the show.

BioWare is currently working on the next chapter in the Mass Effect franchise, although there’s no release date or platforms confirmed yet. Details are thin on the ground regarding the plot and gameplay, although Mass Effect 5’s director has hinted that the original trilogy’s morality system could make a comeback.

PSU also got a chance to talk to Hale last year during Fan Expo 2024, so be sure to read our interview with here!

[Source – Eurogamer]