Phil Spencer, head of Microsoft Games Studios, has gone on the warpath against Sony in an interview given to yesterday.
"Let’s start from the beginning of both consoles – PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360," he began. "Which first party has had more success on their own platform? We have Gears, Halo, Forza, we’re continuing to push existing IP while bringing new IP to market. I’ll line up against Sony’s first party any day." Queensbury rules anybody?
"I was sitting at this E3 and I go through Too Human, Viva Pinata, Banjo, Fable, Lips, Gears of War, Scene It – that’s all before Holiday – and then Halo Wars. And the press are saying exactly the same, that they get it’s an incredibly strong Holiday relative to the competition."
"And I’m confident for next Holiday as well, that we’re going to stand up at the next E3, or at the right time, and we’ll show a line-up that will continue to win," he continued.
"We talk about our games when we understand what they are. I’m not going to put a billboard up on stage and say, "Boy, I hope you buy this game when it comes out and when I know what it is…""
Killzone, LittleBigPlanet, MotorStorm: Pacific Rift and Resistance 2 would all like to say hello Phil. Over to you…