Namco Bandai has lifted the curtains on its software line-up for the upcoming GamesCom event later this month.
Among the highlights are flagship titles such as Tekken 6, Katamari Forever and Tales of Symphonia. See below for the full list. For those out of the loop, GamesCom runs through August 19 – 22. PSU will be sure to bring you all the latest developments from the event as they become available.
Tekken 6 (Playstation 3/Xbox 360)
Dragon Ball: Rising Blast (Playstation 3/Xbox 360)
Dragon Ball: Revenge of King Piccolo (Wii)
One Piece Unlimited Cruise 2 (Wii)
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (Wii)
Family Trainer: Extreme Challenge (Wii)
Katamari Forever (Playstation 3)
Champions Online (PC)