Cryptic Studios has lifted the wraps off the Neverwinter update 9.68 patch notes for your consumption, which implements a number of tweaks for enemy encounters, Knox Boxes, and more. Read the latest Neverwinter patch notes here.
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Content and Environment
- Players who had played through part of Drowned Shore prior to the Maze Engine release can now properly use the Continue Story feature to get back on track.
- The Winter Flail Snail mount now has a collection entry.
Enemies and Encounters
Castle Ravenloft: Sisters of Strahd
- Sisters in Spectral Form now become active much more quickly once the Tome becomes active.
- Fixed an issue where the Sisters would attack a target that wasn’t at the top of the threat table.
- Fixed an issue where Chains of Spite would sometimes activate long after the dialogue for the attack would play.
- Significantly reduced the health of each Sister.
- Significantly increased the damage of each Sister in humanoid and spectral form.
- Blood Crazed Spawn
- Fixed an issue where the Blood Crazed Spawn adds on the Sister of Vengeance wouldn’t spawn.
- Reduced the frequency and number of Blood Crazed Spawn that would spawn.
- Reduced the rank of Blood Crazed Spawn.
- Pools of Decay
- Pools of Decay cast by Sisters in spectral form will now have a much higher chance of targeting the pool at the target’s location. As nice as it is to sit down with a relaxing book, during a fight is not the place for such things.
- Whispers of Deception
- The hold on Whispers of Deception has been reduced to 6 seconds, down from 8.
- Whispers of Deception Clones damage has been increased significantly.
- Whispers of Deception Clones health has been reduced significantly.
- Whispers of Deception can now target the Tome carrier.
- Fixed an issue where Whispers of Deception and Bloodflight could incorrectly target Barbarian tanks.
- Bloodflight can no longer target the Tome carrier.
- Damage on Pools of Decay and Bloodflight was reduced in relation to the overall damage increase.
Items and Economy
Reward Claims Agent
- Players can now properly purchase up to 5 Knox Boxes with Astral Diamonds, instead of 1.
- Players can now properly purchase up to 3 Knox Boxes with Promissory Notes, instead of 1.
- Players who had claimed a free Knox Box can now purchase Knox Boxes with Astral Diamonds.