
New Heavenly Sword details

Straight from the beast that is Sony Gamer’s Day, we’ve got the newest Heavenly Sword details for you.

The life clock is no more. It will still remain an important part of the storytelling, but from initial focus tests Ninja Theory found that people found the life clock too restricting, limiting gameplay opportunities.

The entire game is a flashback, with Nariko dying at the beginning. You as the player must play the days before her death to change her fate. Remember the original God of War? Yeah, something like that.

The graphics are gorgeous (obviously). From Nariko herself to environments and animations, everything about Heavenly Sword looked far more polished at Gamer’s Day than at its previous E3 showing (almost a year ago).

Heavenly Sword will take advantage of a "reactive music system." This essentially means that the music will change depending on the moves the player is performing and how well they are doing. It probably won’t be noticed too much during gameplay, but it’s just one of the many things about Heavenly Sword that simply seeks to immerse you.

We’ll have more details about Heavenly Sword for you when they become available closer to its Fall ’07 release window.