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Payday 3’s Launch Soured By Matchmaking Issues That Still Persist While Starbreeze Works On A Fix

Payday 3 is now available for all fans to jump into, with full cross-play support so you can play with your friends no matter where they’re playing.

If you could get into a match, that is. When Payday 3 launched, things were good for a few hours before the servers crashed, then went back up, then crashed again, then up again, then down, then up, though in an incredibly unstable state, and getting into a game is more of a challenge than it should be.

Our reviewer for Payday 3 here at PSU has only been able to get into two matches since their code arrived, and while Starbreeze is working on a fix, it’s not been clear when a full fix will arrive, and it seems that things are only partially solved.


“Launch has not gone well.” said Almir Listo, brand director and head of community at Starbreeze on a live stream hosted on Monday in response to the issues.

Listo was joined by lead producer Andreas Häll Penninger, with the goal of trying to answer player questions and provide an update on the issues, and each day the issues aren’t fixed, a live stream will be hosted giving players a chance to continue voicing their questions and concerns.

In a blog post on Starbreeze’s website, the studio discusses why the issue is happening and why it didn’t come up in any of its previous testing, and assures players that they are working on it and again apologizes for the problems.

“The issue in question did not manifest during Technical Betas or Early Access due to the specificity of rapid user influx and load-balancing. Starbreeze is currently evaluating all options, both short- and long-term.

In the short-term, this means Starbreeze’ focus is to ensure the player experience. In the long-term, this means evaluating a new partner for matchmaking services and making PAYDAY 3 less dependent on online services.”

Chief executive officer of Starbreeze Tobias Sjögren added “We are disappointed in the issues our playerbase has faced during our launch weekend, but we are confident in our core product and the quality of PAYDAY 3 – and all available metrics point to it.

We have a lot of diligent and consistent work ahead of us to regain community trust, but we will work hard to do it.”

Hopefully the issues are solved soon, though this drastically points out how not having an offline mode this time around is a big failing point from Payday 2 to Payday 3.

Source – [Starbreeze]