Gamescom 2014 News

PS4 to be main focus at Tokyo Game Show, some announcements were cut from Gamescom

The head of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios has admitted it was forced to trim some announcements from its Gamescom press briefing this week.

Speaking to Japan’s Famitsu magazine (via GamePur), Shuhei Yoshida said that the addition of new trailers for Bloodborne and The Order: 1886 meant that some content ended up on the cutting room floor.

Pleasingly, however, he assured the publication that PlayStation 4 will very much be the format holder’s focus at the upcoming Tokyo Game Show this fall. The executive also revealed it will be working with Japanese firms to increase the console’s install base in the region.

Elsewhere, Yoshida-san confirmed that Project Morpheus will be supported in a way that will attract Japanese consumers, and that PS4 will see plenty of new content at the Tokyo-based event.

Curiously, he failed to mention anything on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita, though given the focus of PS4 as of late, this probably isn’t going to be much of a surprise.

Yoshida-san previously mentioned that the company has a release window in mind for the long-delayed Team ICO project, The Last Guardian.