PlayStation Activities PS5 PlayStation Activities PS5 UI PS5 UI PlayStation Activites Sony Interactive Entertainment

PS5 UI – How PlayStation Activities Work


The PS5 UI has been revealed and Sony has detailed how the new PlayStation Activities feature will work.

This new PS5 UI feature shows a list of cards related to a specific game or your collection of games. Activity Cards form curated entry points into a game, which have been created by developers. ‘Ready To Wear’ Challenges will get you straight into the action with specific objectives and even offer an estimated playtime. Loading these activities are also fast, with the game being resumed incredibly quickly, ensuring you can enter gameplay as fast as possible. You can see the new PlayStation Activities feature in action below:

The PS5 UI was revealed earlier today after multiple reports suggested that the UI reveal would happen this week and that we would get an in-depth look at what we can expect.

The PS5 releases on November 12, 2020, in the US and November 19, 2020, in the EU and UK.

Source – [PlayStation Blog]