
Quantic Dream working on Infraworld?

Internet rumblings have suggested that Heavy Rain developer Quantic Dream may have resurrected a previously cancelled project by the name of Infraworld.

Speculation kicked off after a trademark filled by Sony was spotted by superannuation, leading many to believe the Heavy Rain Easter Egg may yet see the light of day.

One thing for sure is that Quantic Dream is in the process of working on two new projects, after which studio boss David Cage plans on trying his luck at the shooter genre.

"I want to create a genre," Cage said earlier this year. "I want to convince more people that [emotional gaming] is a valid direction for the industry; to show them that this was not just one product, one story. It’s a format that can be used to tell any kind of story in any genre with any tone."

"I would really like the opportunity to work on a different type of game. I would love to see if what we discovered could be applied to a first-person shooter, for example."

As for hopes of Infraworld coming into fruition, well, take it with a pinch of salt for the time being.