Ghost of Tsushima News PS4 Red Dead Redemption Rockstar Games Sony Sucker Punch

Red Dead Redemption Was Ghost Of Tsushima’s ‘Number One Inspiration’

Ghost of Tsushima developer Sucker Punch Productions has revealed that the number one inspiration for the upcoming samurai title was the original Red Dead Redemption.

Ghost Of Tsushima Inspiration Revealed

Speaking during an interview with Gaming Bible, the game’s director, Nate Fox, explained that Rockstar’s critically acclaimed Wild West title had a huge impact on the PS4-exclusive title. Not only that, but in an earlier interview, Fox said that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild also played its part, too.

I would say the number one inspiration for the title was Red Dead Redemption – not Red Dead 2 but Red Dead Redemption, – because they did such a fantastic job bringing the fantasy of being an outlaw cowboy to life. Landscape, the way that people talk to you, the way that you move – all have it brought you into that identity. And for us, I used to say like, ‘hey,’ when I would try and get people excited about the game, ‘think of it like as the same format as that.’

When we’re building the game, and a game like Breath of the Wild comes out – that does such an amazing job of showing how the power of curiosity can be stoked in all these many ways. While we always wanted you [to] be transported to Tsushima Island and not butter things up, I think that that game really inspired us to try even harder, to go deeper, to just clear out the decks so that you could be just as present as possible in Tsushima.

Ghost of Tsushima is scheduled for release on July 17.