
Secrets found in latest Soul Calibur IV trailer

In the latest Soul Calibur IV trailer entitled "Ubidays 2008: Transcendance Trailer," several new details were revealed that many viewers probably missed. After analyzing the trailer intently, here are a few of the snippets we happened to catch.

New Character:

Near the middle of the trailer a new character is revealed. We’ve heard whispers that he is a new character either known as Mars (aka Hades) or possibly Soul Edge reborn (notice the scar on his arm), but that he may receive a name change before the game is shipped. We’ve placed a screenshot of him below:


Destructible armor and clothing:

During the trailer, clips are shown of characters having their armor shattered or clothing hewn. With quite a few female characters already scantily clad prior to battles, this new element makes us wonder just how far Namco will take it.

Here are a few screenshots:


Stay tuned to PSU for more information.