Sony Computer Entertainment has confirmed development of a PlayStation Portable iteration of monster-collection title Folklore, currently being helmed by Shin Megami Tensei creator, Kouji Okada.
Details were revealed this week following earlier reports of Okada’s involvement on the PlayStation 3 version of the game; however, it transpired that Yoshiki Okamoto (of Game Republic fame) will be showcasing the title at the Leipzig Games Convention, prompting questions as to whether Okada would be involved in the project anymore.
When asked about this, though, Sony’s Bill Ritch told website Kikizo “Yes he is”, adding, “We’ve got a PSP version [of Folklore] and Kouji Okada is working on that."
Despite this, Sony was unable to divulge any further information on the project at present time. Stay tuned to PSU for more details as they become available.
Source: Kikizo