
Sony’s GameCom line-up, Heavy Rain and more

GamesCom is just days away, and Sony announced today its line-up. You can expect to hear more about some of Sony’s biggest titles like God of War III, Heavy Rain, and Ratchet and Clank: A Crack In Time. There will also be more details on PlayStation Home, the PSP go, and VidZone.

Here is a list of PS3 games featured at GamesCom:

* Heavy Rain 
* Uncharted 2: Among Thieves 
* God of War III 
* MAG 
* EyePet 
* Ratchet and Clank: A Crack In Time 
* SingStar 
* Buzz! 
* White Knight Chronicles 
* DC Universe

The following PSP games will also be shown:

* Gran Turismo 
* Invizimals 
* MotorStorm: Arctic Edge 
* LittleBigPlanet 
* Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier 
* SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3

Also at conference:

* “Lots of PlayStation Network games” 
* VidZone 
* PlayStation Home 
* PSP go

Sony’s press conference at GamesCom will take place on Tuesday, August 18. We expect to hear some interesting new details from the conference and we’ll be sure to report back to you.
