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Sony’s Hiroki Totoki Reckons The Company Is Lacking Original IP

Speaking during an interview with the Financial Times, Sony’s Chief Financial Officer, Hiroki Totoki, has said that he doesn’t feel the company has enough original IP under its belt.

Whether it’s for games, films or anime, we don’t have that much IP that we fostered from the beginning. We’re lacking the early phase (of IP) and that’s an issue for us.

The executive went on to say that Sony has been more successful at finding new audiences for existing and popular IPs, and feels the electronics giant will be unable to see growth unless it creates content from scratch to ensure higher returns.

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It seems odd that Totoki-san would make these comments given that Sony has a wealth of IPs that have been sitting around doing nothing for years. Killzone, Resistance Fall of Man, Sly Cooper, inFAMOUS and even Uncharted could do with seeing the light of day again, for exmaple.

[Source – Financial Time via PSLS]