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Stellar Blade Runs At 4K/50FPS On PS5 Pro, Also Has New “High-Framerate” Mode Of 80FPS

The PS5 Pro is set to release in a little more than a month, and while Mark Cerny’s debut presentation for the mid-gen refresh didn’t exactly show off the benefits of the PS5 Pro, we’re starting to hear from developers about the more tangible improvements the Pro allows for.

Developer Shift Up’s action game Stellar Blade for example will see huge improvements on the PS5 Pro, with new graphics modes only available on the Pro.

In a PlayStation Blog post, Shift Up’s technical director and chief technical officer Dongki Lee confirmed that playing Stellar Blade on the PS5 Pro will allow players to experience a 4K/50 FPS mode, and a High-Framrate Mode where the game runs at 80 FPS.

“With PS5 Pro, players will be able to enjoy Stellar Blade in 4K resolution at 50fps or more, with smoother gameplay, and you’ll notice an improvement in grain and detail in the game in PSSR upscale mode.

Plus, the HFR (high framerate) option is supported, allowing you to enjoy a fluid gaming experience at 80 fps (120hz display support required).”

Source – [PlayStation Blog]