Gamescom 2014 News

The Crew isn’t coming to PS3, and Ubisoft explains why

Ubisoft has shed light as to why PlayStation 3 owners won’t be treated to their own version of the publisher’s open-world racing game, The Crew.

The company announced this week that the game would also be heading to Xbox 360 alongside the already confirmed PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One editions.

However, PS3 owners aren’t getting in on the action, and it’s all down to technical limitations.

 "The Crew was originally built for the new generation of consoles, so when we made the decision to port it to the previous generation, we decided to focus solely on the platform closest to the new-gen’s technical infrastructure, which is the Xbox 360. We are not currently working on a version for PS3,” explained a Ubisoft spokesperson to Polygon.

The Crew is scheduled for release in November, with a console beta kicking off in September.