
Watch Dogs ctOS Threat Monitoring Report shows PS4 conference gameplay from a new perspective

Ubisoft has released a new trailer for their intriguing new game Watch Dogs. It features the exact same gameplay portion that was seen at Sony’s PlayStation 4 reveal in February except from the perspective of the Chicago government’s Central Operating System (ctOS).

Watch Dogs will be released on a number of platforms including the PlayStation 3 and slated to launch with the PS4. Players will take the role of Aiden Pearce, a hacker anti-hero who has access to ctOS, in an open-world future Chicago action-adventure game. Elements of stealth, parkour, and third-person shooting along with a variety of hacking options will make up a large portion of the gameplay.

Check out the trailer below to pick up on more clues about the world of Watch Dogs and stay tuned to PSU for breaking news and more.