Following the launch of the first Watch Dogs review, which was swiftly followed by Ubisoft’s tweet about it being false, we now hear that some retailers in Brazil are allowing customers to pick up a copy of the highly anticipated action adventure way before the release date of May 27, 2014.
Reddit user Fyzor has uploaded a photo of the PS3 version of the game which he claims to have obtained legitimately from a store in Brazil. Another Reddit user by the name of Danilosaur claims to be a Brazil store clerk who says that it’s become regular practice in Brazil for retailers to break street dates.
“While I can’t confirm or deny that the store I work at is already selling the game, I just gotta say that breaking street dates is a practice that, although not widely used, is seen from time to time.
I still remember when a store (not mine) broke GTA V’s street date. They stopped within one hour and Rockstar sued the hell outta them.”
We’re pretty sure Ubisoft will also be knocking at someone’s door demanding answers. The official release date for Watch Dogs is May 27, 2014. Reviews from the gaming media will appear online shortly after.