PSU Champions: Killer 7

In the final part of the PSU Champions series, Luke proposes that Killer 7, which was released on PS2, should …

God of War II Review

Since God of War 2 is likely the PS2’s swan song, let us briefly reflect on what made the system …

PSU Interview: Insomniac

PSU was given the unique and rare opportunity to interview Insomniac, creators of the highly successful Resistance: Fall of Man …

Enchanted Arms

With all the foul spirited hype of the Xbox 360 stealing PS3 exclusives, it seems rather amusing to see the …

Madden 07 Review

When people think football and gaming, there is only one game that comes to mind — and that is Madden. …

Ridge Racer 7 Review

The Ridge Racer series has long been a foundation of any Sony hardware release, and the debut of the PlayStation …

Fight Night Round 3 Cheats

* All venues Enter "NEWVIEW" as both your first name and last name in Create Champ mode to unlock all …

Japan loves the PlayStation 3

An online survey which was recently conducted by market researcher Info Plant, via marketing data service C-News, revealed widespread support …