Consumer Electronics Show [CES] 2008 News

More Metal Gear Solid 4 Details

Now that CES is here the floodgates on Metal Gear Solid 4 is beginning to open up and the information is sliding through. That is how we are able to bring you some of the newest details regarding Metal Gear Solid 4 at CES.

PlayStation Universe is not attending the event this year but from the great number of info we are getting in, we are able to relay some of the core aspects regarding MGS4. First off, it is the same demo that was played at the 2007 E for All convention last October in Los Angeles, which means that nothing groundbreaking comes, but we can report that the acceptance of the Dual Shock 3 controller works hand in hand with MGS4. Secondly, Konami is not able to confirm if the game will run on 60fps at 1080p. As reported earlier, the game switches from 30fps to 60fps depending on what is going on, on screen. Finally, Konami is not setting MGS4 to a solid release date just yet, but they are giving hint for an announcement coming late February, which is around the time of the Game Developer’s Conference from February 18th-22nd.

So it is good to see something regarding MGS4 coming from CES, but going from Konami’s word, something concrete should be coming a month from now.

