
Square responds to Final Fantasy VII remake petition

The interest of a Final Fantasy VII remake for PlayStation 3 still remains inexorably imprinted on the minds of gamers across the globe since a tech demo was displayed at E3 2005 running off PS3 hardware.

As a matter of fact, fans have become so intrigued by the prospect of a remake that they have now had a petition started to show this interest all in one form.

Over the last couple of months, the rising number of signatures on the online petition for Square-Enix to re-make Final Fantasy VII have caught many people’s attention. Now, having crossed the 20,000-signature mark, Square-Enix felt obliged to respond to the masses with the following email:

Thank you for contacting SQUARE ENIX Customer Support,

We hope this letter answers your questions.

Our parent company, SQUARE ENIX of Japan, has no current plans to create a sequel or remake to that particular title at this time. This is not to say that it will never happen, it’s just that their development teams are currently focusing on numerous other projects.

We hope this information has been of assistance.

Neil- SQUARE ENIX Customer Support

Even though this is something that has been confirmed time and time again, people know that Square-Enix is listening. The simple fact is that they already have too many projects to work on and complete, including five Final Fantasy games and another Kingdom Hearts title. Rest assured, however, that when these titles have finally been released that Square-Enix will be looking very closely at the proposal and may even consider it. For now, we all just have to wait a bit longer for FFVII on the PS3.

Stay tuned to PSU for more Final Fantasy news as it breaks.