
Destiny Nightfall/Heroic strike leaked ahead of tomorrow’s game reset

Destiny’s Nightfall and Weekly Heroic strike have been datamined once again ahead of the weekly reset tomorrow, courtesy of Reddit’s Megamanexe4.

While unable to effectively datamine Xur’s weekly Exotic bag of goodies, Megaman is still able to provide details on what players can expect to face in this week’s new strikes, where you’ll be competing for Strange Coins and Exotic goodies.

This week, the Nightfall takes place during the Ocean of Storms on the Moon, specifically in the Summoning Pits where you have to take on Phogoth, The Untamed. This week’s Nightfall will apply the Epic, Arc Burn, Lightswitch, and Angry modifiers.

Meanwhile, the Weekly Heroic strike is the same mission, albeit starting at level 24 and going up to level 30, depending on what rewards you want. Modifiers include Heroic and Arc Burn. 

Bungie will reset the game tomorrow at 10am GMT, so we’ll see if Megamanexe4 is on the mark again. Stay tuned.