
OPM UK reveals new Tomb Raider Underworld details

Fresh details on Crystal Dynamic’s upcoming Tomb Raider Underworld have surfaced in the latest issue of the Official PlayStation Magazine UK.

Project Leader Rob Pavey describes the importance of "elegant movement" in the upcoming title, revealing that protagonist Lara Croft will be able to execute cartwheels across beams, in addition to wall-kicking herself up to ledges, provided they are of medium height.

“The big theme this year is that Lara will be able to do anything that you’d expect her to be able to do”, reveals Pavey.

The publication goes on to reveal that Croft will also be able to acquire various objects in the environment to use as weapons, and gives an example of how she is able to utilize a staff in hand-to-hand combat against her enemies. Furthermore, players can in turn use this item as a makeshift catapult to swing Croft up to previously unreachable terrain.

The lock-on system has also been improved, with Croft now able to shoot from any location to hit her target. Regarding the type of foes players will be facing, Pavey adds, “Most enemies are non-human, because Lara’s going places she’s never been before".

Eidos are reluctant to reveal exactly where players will be able to venture in the game outside of the established Mexico setting, only commenting that the game will take place across "several continents, in places no-one has seen for centuries".

Tomb Raider Underworld is due out in late 2008 for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC platforms.

Source: CVG