
The Last Guardian’s Fumito Ueda wants to make a zombie game

The creator behind The Last Guardian has revealed that he’s keen on developing a zombie game for his next project.

Fumito Ueda, who departed from his role at Sony two years ago but continues to work on a freelance basis, expressed his interest in tackling the undead genre somewhere down the line.

While zombies have become ubiquitous in the video games industry over the past few years, Ueda-san believes there is still the opportunity for the genre to explore characters in a “lyrical” manner.

Speaking with EDGE, he commented, “In terms of AI and motion technology and the operability of the player character, there are many elements that interest me and that are suited to in-game expression. Especially if there is a way to use [zombies] not just as a convenient enemy for the player to shoot at, but in a way that allows me to express a character in a lyrical way. There are always possibilities.”

Despite this, Ueda-san noted he still needs to knuckle down and come up with a solid idea first to support the concept.