Sony has announced the new PlayStation Vita Slim will be coming to North America in a bundle with Borderlands 2 as first reported by IGN. A PS Blog post confirmed the retail price at $200 for the limited bundle that includes the new PS Vita Wi-Fi model (PCH-2000 series) and an 8GB memory card.
The post also stated that Borderlands 2 will include six DLC packs and will feature cross-save with the PS3. The PS Vita version will utilize the front touchscreen and rear touchpad controls. There will be online play with other PS Vita players.
It is presumed the PS Vita Slim will be available separately.
Sony announced the bundle earlier via Twitter.
And yep, the slimmer, lighter PS Vita is coming to North America. Full details coming soon, stay tuned
— PlayStation (@PlayStation) February 10, 2014