
Best Strategy Game — PSU 2010 Game Awards


The nominees for Best Strategy Game of 2010 are…


And the winner is…


There was a serious dearth of strategy games on PlayStation systems this year — likely due to the elephant in the room, StarCraft II — but a few diamonds in the rough shone through. The best was Ubisoft’s R.U.S.E., a PlayStation Move compatible real-time strategy romp that tasks players with employing special ruses to confuse and deceive enemy forces. The single-player campaign is a bit lackluster due to weak AI, but R.U.S.E. sports a stellar multiplayer experience. A cluster psychological fakeouts and second-guessing, multiplayer is all about keeping the other players befuddled while you rush or upgrade, sneak attack or mass assault. The online community is small and hardcore, so the learning curve is pretty brutal, but snag a few friends and you’ll have a blast with R.U.S.E. multiplayer from the start.

And the Community Award goes to…


Surprisingly, both R.U.S.E. and Worms 2: Armageddon each pulled in a sizeable 43.8% of the votes for Best Strategy Game. They represent the only tie out of the 22 total Community Awards (23 if you count Best Strategy Game as two). HOARD, Greed Corp, and Swords & Soldiers combined only accounted for 12.4%. As a result, R.U.S.E. and Worms 2: Armageddon are the dual community picks for Best Strategy Game of 2010,

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or return to the MASTER LIST — PlayStation Universe 2010 Game Awards

Our unbiased editorial team selected all PlayStation Universe 2010 Game Award nominees and recipients. The PSU.com community voted on each group of nominees to determine the Community Award(s) for each category. Only games available on a PlayStation platform (PlayStation 3, PlayStation Network, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 2) were eligible for a PlayStation Universe 2010 Game Award.