Bloober Team News PS5 Pyramid Head Silent Hill 2 Silent Hill 2 Remake

Bloober Team Taking ‘Very Safe Approach’ To Any Silent Hill 2 Remake PS5 Changes

The developer behind the highly anticipated Silent Hill 2 Remake has revealed that it will be taking a ‘very safe approach’ in regards to making any changes from the original game.

Speaking with DreadXP, Bloober Team’s Chief Marketing Officer Anna JasiƄska said that it is looking to maintain the essence of the 2001 psychological horror title, although admitted it would make be “making adjustments” in order to modernise things as a result of the “passage of time.”

We are not straying away from the original concept of making this cult classic; we just have some ideas on how to make the peculiar scare factors more appealing to the contemporary audience.

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Jasinska was asked specifically about one scene early in the game when James witnesses Pyramid Head apparently sexually assaulting a Mannequin enemy, a feminine creature that sports legs above and below the torso. However, Jasinska fused to confirm or deny if any alterations had been made.

Elsewhere in the interview, Jasinska revealed that the team at Bloober were feeling ‘high pressure‘ to deliver on expectations.

Silent Hill 2 Remake is currently in development for PS5 and PC and is without a release date.

[Source – DreadXP]