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Bossa Studios Dev Claims ‘Many’ Studios Are Requesting Mandatory Xbox Series S Compatibility To Be Dropped

Bossa Studios VFX artist Ian Maclure has claimed that a number of developers are requesting that Microsoft drops Xbox Series S mandatory compatibility.

Responding to former Giant Bomb journalist Jeff Gertsmann on Twitter, who isn’t convinced over the argument that the Xbox Series S is holding back next-generation game production. He pointed out that “most of these games also come to PC and already have to cover a wide variety of configs.”

In response, Maclure said that a number of developers feel the entry-level console is “an albatross around the neck of production.” His tweets have since been made private so only select followers can view them.

It might sound broken, but the reason you are hearing it a lot right now is because MANY developers have been sitting in meetings for the past year desperately trying to get Series S launch requirements dropped.

Studios have been through one development cycle where Series S turned out to be an albatross around the neck of production, and now that games are firmly being developed with new consoles in mind, teams do not want to repeat the process.

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Speaking of Xbox Series S, Lee Devonald, a senior character technical artist at Rocksteady, said that Gotham Knights lacked performance options for consoles and only runs at 30 FPS due to Microsoft’s lesser-powers console. Again, these tweets were removed, but we’ve included them below.

I wish gamers understood what 60fps means, in terms of all of the things they *lose* to make the game run that fast. Especially taking into account that we have a current-gen console that’s not much better than a last gen one.

Xbox Series S ranks as the weakest console in terms of performance when compared to PS5 and Xbox Series X.

[Source – Jeff Gertsmann on Twitter, GameRant, VGC]